Selected for an audit? Do you know your rights? Worried about making things worse? Feeling overwhelmed, confused and anxious?
The CRA has a variety of enforcement powers at their disposal to force collection of unpaid personal and corporate taxes such as:
· Freezing bank accounts
· Garnishment of wages and other sources of income
· Registering a lien against your home
· Seizing and selling assets
If these actions weren’t bad enough on their own, be aware that significant penalties and interest charges continue to accumulate on a daily basis.
We know that having CRA debt can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to handle it alone. In fact, handling it alone comes with significant risks and will likely make a difficult situation even worse. CRA Collections representation is where we can support you in dealing with a CRA Collector.
Our team is made up of former CRA personnel – including a former CRA collector – who are highly experienced in how to effectively handle CRA tax collectors.
Farber Tax Solutions will be with you every step of the way as we negotiate a deal that meets your financial needs, while we ensure that your rights are fully protected.
It starts with a FREE CONSULTATION with one of our former CRA managers to understand your unique tax dispute and how we can help.
Much needed help… Delivered!
The day you check your bank account and realize it’s frozen is the day you feel helpless until you call the CRA collection agent, then you feel even more helpless through their scared tactics and threat to destroy all you worked for. …READ MORE MB
If your bank account has been frozen or your wages garnished, you need to negotiate a payment arrangement with the CRA right away to stop legal action.
If a taxpayer has arrears with the CRA and in a future year files a tax return for which the taxpayer is to receive a refund, the CRA will keep the refund and off-set it against the amount owed.